10 Things You Don’t Want To Hear Before Your Surgery
(Published by xblogger)
1 Don’t worry. I think it is sharp enough.
2 Nurse, did this patient sign the organs donation card?
3 Damn! Page 84 of the manual is missing!
4 Everybody stand back! I lost a contact lens!
5 Hand me that…uh…that uh…..thingy
6 Better save that. We’ll need it for the autopsy.
7 “Accept this sacrifice, o great lord of darkness”
8 Whoa, wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what’s that?
9 “Ya know, there’s big money in kidneys. Hell, he’s got two of them”
10 What do you mean “You want a divorce?”
-this is where i share my opinion on certain issues, my poems, my lyrics, my pictures, my feeling, my everything la.... hahhahaha... do drop comment for my writting esp my lyrics and poem.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Just for laugh 6
A blonde and a brunette are skydiving.The brunette jumps out the plane and pulls the cord -- nothing happens.She pulls the emergency cord and still nothing.The blonde finally jumps out of the plane and yells "Oh! So you wanna race, huh?"
Please be extra careful.....
(P/S Receive this email few days ago and just want to share it with everyone...)
Please be careful.
Yesterday, I was at the Carrefour carpark after shopping and about to start the car engine. Suddenly, one man appeared holding a name card and asking me to wind down the window to give me the name card. I refused using the sign language but he kept on pestering. I was terrified and quickly started the engine and sped off. Fortunately, I locked the car doors immediately I got in...
Thank you for the warning email I received earlier.
P/S(May Receive this email from i dunno who la... ahhahaha)
Must Read and Please be careful out there !!
A man came over and offered his service as a painter to a female putting gas in her car and left his card. She said no, but accepted his card out of kindness and got in the car. The man then got into a car driven by another gentleman.
As the lady left the service station, she saw the men following her out of the station at the same time.
Almost immediately, she started to feel dizzy and could not catch her breath. She tried to open the window and realized that the odor was on her hand; the same hand which accepted the card from the gentleman at the gas station.
She then noticed the men were immediately behind her and she felt she needed to do something at that moment. She drove into the first driveway and began to honk her horn repeatedly to ask for help.The men drove away but the lady still felt pretty bad for several minutes after she could finally catch her breath. Apparently, there was a substance on the card that could have seriously injured her.
This drug is called 'BURUNDANGA'and it is used by people who wish to incapacitate a victim in order to steal from or take advantage of them.
This drug is four times more dangerous than the date rape drug and is transferable on simple cards.
So take heed and make sure you don't accept cards at any given time alone or from someone on the streets. This applies to those making house calls and slipping you a card when they offer their services .
Please be careful.
Yesterday, I was at the Carrefour carpark after shopping and about to start the car engine. Suddenly, one man appeared holding a name card and asking me to wind down the window to give me the name card. I refused using the sign language but he kept on pestering. I was terrified and quickly started the engine and sped off. Fortunately, I locked the car doors immediately I got in...
Thank you for the warning email I received earlier.
P/S(May Receive this email from i dunno who la... ahhahaha)
Must Read and Please be careful out there !!
A man came over and offered his service as a painter to a female putting gas in her car and left his card. She said no, but accepted his card out of kindness and got in the car. The man then got into a car driven by another gentleman.
As the lady left the service station, she saw the men following her out of the station at the same time.
Almost immediately, she started to feel dizzy and could not catch her breath. She tried to open the window and realized that the odor was on her hand; the same hand which accepted the card from the gentleman at the gas station.
She then noticed the men were immediately behind her and she felt she needed to do something at that moment. She drove into the first driveway and began to honk her horn repeatedly to ask for help.The men drove away but the lady still felt pretty bad for several minutes after she could finally catch her breath. Apparently, there was a substance on the card that could have seriously injured her.
This drug is called 'BURUNDANGA'and it is used by people who wish to incapacitate a victim in order to steal from or take advantage of them.
This drug is four times more dangerous than the date rape drug and is transferable on simple cards.
So take heed and make sure you don't accept cards at any given time alone or from someone on the streets. This applies to those making house calls and slipping you a card when they offer their services .
Thursday, April 21, 2011
What U think??!!
Found this article in FB sbb one of my friend ditag dalam article ini. so i buka and tgk... and i'm annoyed by this fellow yg nak share2 benda ni. personally, i disagree with what he/she write. korang baca la dulu and fikir sendiri.
25 Senarai Perempuan Murahan Malaya
by ************************ (budak uiam) on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 11:47pm
1. Berambut perang..tak pun rambut kaler merah highlight sikit-sikit budget Avril
2. Kau pintal-pintal rambut kat public dengan lidah terjelir-jelir..kau nak jadi pornstar eh?
3. Snap gambar dari atas, buat duck face & kau upload kat Facebook..geli doh tengok..kalau 1 album nama kau, dalam tu semua muka itik kau. Muka penuh depan kamera..semuat-muat frame..bodoh
4. Kau rasa comel bila kau type message 'ewww..jum lepak..busyan lorh...umah tadew orang..pakwe gie maen futsal pulark..busyan busyan! T__T' macam shit kau tahu tak
5. Kau kerek bila kau makan kat fastfood ngan member-member kau..kau snap gamba sana-sini macam tempat tu tak de orang..annoying taek!
6. Kau pakai baju nampak lurah tetek kau pegi jalan-jalan kat bandar..kau seronok lah abang misai pandang pastu tulis kat facebook 'nyampah nyew adew abang misai usya-usya kitew..tark syukew tark syukew larh' Perosak bahasa sial.
7. Annoying doh tengok kau peluk laki or balak kau dekat public or shopping complex..kalau sangap sangat g rumah tumpangan RM30/nett
8. Kau pakai tudung tapi kau pakai jeans yang abang misai dari jauh boleh nampak shape bontot kau yang jatuh tu..lagi-lagi kalau lepas duduk, terselit 'celapong' (celah ponggong a.k.a pungkoq)
9. Macam shit bila kau tulis kat facebook yang kau tengah tension, tengah sakit perut, tengah happy..weh..asal time berak kau tak tulis sekali 'kitew tengah berak..syuke syuke ^__^'
10. Kau saje ubah-ubah relationship status kat facebook..kononnye kau ni macam best kejap Single, kejap in relation, kejap open..asal kau tak bubuh 'I am Lesbian'
11. Nyampah tahu tak kalau kau tak reti bawak barang shopping sendiri..padahal 2 3 plastik je..tu pun nak suruh balak kau..balak kau nyampah ok..bukan suka pun
12. Sikit-sikit kau ngadu kat member-member kau yang kau ada stalker kat kelas, kat office..konon kau tak tahu nak buat ape..ape doh perangai kau
13. Kau bisik-bisik ngan member kau yang duduk semeja..padahal dekat meja tu tengah lepak 4 5 orang
15. Bila kau lepak ngan member yang hot stuff, hensem-hensem, kool, kau tak pulak nak tegur member kau yang pakai tudung serabai plus muka berminyak 'she's not my friends..please lah'
16. Kau tenung-tenung mamat yang cam kool supaya mamat cam kool tu perasan kewujudan kau sambil buat muka tahi
17. Kau order makanan itu ini sebab gambar dekat menu cantik..tapi bila makan 3 4 sudu kau cakap tak sedap..lepas tu tak habis..lepas tu ngadu lapar..g makan kat tempat lain pulak..nak terajang muka kau siot
18. Kau tak pandai buat tu, buat ni..tanak pegang tu, pegang ni..alasan kau kotor, jijik..habis sapa yang nak buat kan?
19. Pakai tudung, baju kurung, manis..dalam wayang, dalam kereta, huih....bukan main sandar-sandar, peluk-peluk, ramas-ramas..baik tak payah pakai tu semua..selalu nampak kat highway
20. Kau cerewet..kena buat semua benda macam kau nak..kalau tak sama macam kau nak, kau angin, kau merajuk, kau marah..cuba kalau kau buat kerja yang orang cerewet macam kau..muncung je mulut kau
21. Kau merajuk ngan mak kau, kau merajuk ngan bapak kau, pakwe pun buat taek ngan kau..kau ngamok, marah, benci & merajuk..last-last kau decide kau bunuh diri..terjun dr bumbung Pavi..tapi tak mati pun..silap-silap kena buang keluarga..lagi shit hidup kau
22. Lepak ngan sekutu gediks kau ketawa kuat kuat, buat onar..masing masing dressed up fancy nak mampos. Skali awek pakai tudung litup melintas korang pakat usya atas bawah atas bawah ramai2. pandangan jijik like 'eww she dont have style..yucks' emang gud gud la kau
23. Mekap tebal ala ala mak ayam..atas mata tu dah macam pelangi..tambah plak bulu mata palsu..klip pah kip pah mata tu dah macam berus cat..kelopak mata tak larat nak angkat..cam sial.. satu level ngan bapok belakang lorong haji taib..
24. Pakai baju sikit lagi nak 6pak puting..lengan himpit tetek bagi terkepit..konon nak bagi nampak lurah lebih menonjol pastuh snap gamba dari atas supaya nampak yg dalam baju tu... buat pulak muka bersyahwat sambil lidah terkeluar.. what the hell..saje menambah bilangan owang laki masuk narakka jahanam
25. Kau buat facebook ni macam medan memperagakan diri..kau upload beribu ribu gamba muka kau je sampai 10 album.. bila ade org puji kau jawab 'ala shayer tark syomel pown..beshe beshe jew' nyampah siot
credit to penebukkertas @ i-share.ws
P/s org yg tulis ni, ingat dia tu HAKIM ke? suka suki nak menghakimi org lain...
25 Senarai Perempuan Murahan Malaya
by ************************ (budak uiam) on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 11:47pm
1. Berambut perang..tak pun rambut kaler merah highlight sikit-sikit budget Avril
2. Kau pintal-pintal rambut kat public dengan lidah terjelir-jelir..kau nak jadi pornstar eh?
3. Snap gambar dari atas, buat duck face & kau upload kat Facebook..geli doh tengok..kalau 1 album nama kau, dalam tu semua muka itik kau. Muka penuh depan kamera..semuat-muat frame..bodoh
4. Kau rasa comel bila kau type message 'ewww..jum lepak..busyan lorh...umah tadew orang..pakwe gie maen futsal pulark..busyan busyan! T__T' macam shit kau tahu tak
5. Kau kerek bila kau makan kat fastfood ngan member-member kau..kau snap gamba sana-sini macam tempat tu tak de orang..annoying taek!
6. Kau pakai baju nampak lurah tetek kau pegi jalan-jalan kat bandar..kau seronok lah abang misai pandang pastu tulis kat facebook 'nyampah nyew adew abang misai usya-usya kitew..tark syukew tark syukew larh' Perosak bahasa sial.
7. Annoying doh tengok kau peluk laki or balak kau dekat public or shopping complex..kalau sangap sangat g rumah tumpangan RM30/nett
8. Kau pakai tudung tapi kau pakai jeans yang abang misai dari jauh boleh nampak shape bontot kau yang jatuh tu..lagi-lagi kalau lepas duduk, terselit 'celapong' (celah ponggong a.k.a pungkoq)
9. Macam shit bila kau tulis kat facebook yang kau tengah tension, tengah sakit perut, tengah happy..weh..asal time berak kau tak tulis sekali 'kitew tengah berak..syuke syuke ^__^'
10. Kau saje ubah-ubah relationship status kat facebook..kononnye kau ni macam best kejap Single, kejap in relation, kejap open..asal kau tak bubuh 'I am Lesbian'
11. Nyampah tahu tak kalau kau tak reti bawak barang shopping sendiri..padahal 2 3 plastik je..tu pun nak suruh balak kau..balak kau nyampah ok..bukan suka pun
12. Sikit-sikit kau ngadu kat member-member kau yang kau ada stalker kat kelas, kat office..konon kau tak tahu nak buat ape..ape doh perangai kau
13. Kau bisik-bisik ngan member kau yang duduk semeja..padahal dekat meja tu tengah lepak 4 5 orang
15. Bila kau lepak ngan member yang hot stuff, hensem-hensem, kool, kau tak pulak nak tegur member kau yang pakai tudung serabai plus muka berminyak 'she's not my friends..please lah'
16. Kau tenung-tenung mamat yang cam kool supaya mamat cam kool tu perasan kewujudan kau sambil buat muka tahi
17. Kau order makanan itu ini sebab gambar dekat menu cantik..tapi bila makan 3 4 sudu kau cakap tak sedap..lepas tu tak habis..lepas tu ngadu lapar..g makan kat tempat lain pulak..nak terajang muka kau siot
18. Kau tak pandai buat tu, buat ni..tanak pegang tu, pegang ni..alasan kau kotor, jijik..habis sapa yang nak buat kan?
19. Pakai tudung, baju kurung, manis..dalam wayang, dalam kereta, huih....bukan main sandar-sandar, peluk-peluk, ramas-ramas..baik tak payah pakai tu semua..selalu nampak kat highway
20. Kau cerewet..kena buat semua benda macam kau nak..kalau tak sama macam kau nak, kau angin, kau merajuk, kau marah..cuba kalau kau buat kerja yang orang cerewet macam kau..muncung je mulut kau
21. Kau merajuk ngan mak kau, kau merajuk ngan bapak kau, pakwe pun buat taek ngan kau..kau ngamok, marah, benci & merajuk..last-last kau decide kau bunuh diri..terjun dr bumbung Pavi..tapi tak mati pun..silap-silap kena buang keluarga..lagi shit hidup kau
22. Lepak ngan sekutu gediks kau ketawa kuat kuat, buat onar..masing masing dressed up fancy nak mampos. Skali awek pakai tudung litup melintas korang pakat usya atas bawah atas bawah ramai2. pandangan jijik like 'eww she dont have style..yucks' emang gud gud la kau
23. Mekap tebal ala ala mak ayam..atas mata tu dah macam pelangi..tambah plak bulu mata palsu..klip pah kip pah mata tu dah macam berus cat..kelopak mata tak larat nak angkat..cam sial.. satu level ngan bapok belakang lorong haji taib..
24. Pakai baju sikit lagi nak 6pak puting..lengan himpit tetek bagi terkepit..konon nak bagi nampak lurah lebih menonjol pastuh snap gamba dari atas supaya nampak yg dalam baju tu... buat pulak muka bersyahwat sambil lidah terkeluar.. what the hell..saje menambah bilangan owang laki masuk narakka jahanam
25. Kau buat facebook ni macam medan memperagakan diri..kau upload beribu ribu gamba muka kau je sampai 10 album.. bila ade org puji kau jawab 'ala shayer tark syomel pown..beshe beshe jew' nyampah siot
credit to penebukkertas @ i-share.ws
P/s org yg tulis ni, ingat dia tu HAKIM ke? suka suki nak menghakimi org lain...
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